Rocket Research

There is a lot going on in Rocket Research. Let’s break it down carefully.

The Mission


The checklist for Rocket Research says you must write procedures and call them to draw the shapes for the boosters and fuel tanks. You don’t have to use repeats but you can!


procedure list

In 2Logo, you add procedures by clicking the plus icon in the procedures list. A procedure is a named list of valid Logo commands that can be called by their name. When you call their name, all the commands run exactly as if you typed them all in to the program area.

We need to draw four boosters and three fuel tanks.

Let’s break it down into the two main shapes and write procedures for each. We will name the procedure for the boosters, booster and the procedure for the fuel tank, pentagon (because they are regular pentagons).

Here are commands you can copy and paste. Beware! There are some deliberate mistakes that you will need to find and fix.


fd 8 rt 30 rpt 3 [ fd 3 rt 120 ]
rt 60 fd 3 rt 90 fd 8
rt 90 fd 3 rt 90



rpt 5 [ fd 5 lt 360/5 ]

Moving without drawing


Once you have your booster and pentagon procedures working, you need to move without drawing between the starting positions of each shape.

You did exactly the same thing in the previous Time Crimes challenge, “Gears”.

Use the grid to count how many steps to move and write code (or procedures) to do the job.

moveover:   pu rt 90 fd 4 lt 90 pd
moverighto: pu rt 90 fd 14 lt 90 pd
moveup:     pu lt 90 fd 7 rt 90 pd

Once you have all your procedures written, you need to call them the right number of times, in the right sequence.

This shows an almost correct solution.
