
Add a touch of random to your patterns.

The Random Command

random n
Generates a random number between 0 and n-1.

Using in Pattern Code

This code picks a random colour and points to a random angle. Can you see how the random number is chosen to be in suitable range for either the colour or the angle?

repeat 500 [
  setpc random 15
  rt random 360
  fd 18

Combining with Shape Patterns

This code draws 150 random squares on the screen. Can you change it to make triangles, or hexagons?

rpt 150 [
    make "length random 5
    make "colour random 15
    if (:colour <> 7) [ ; no white squares
      setps 5 + random 21 ; pen size between 5 and 20
      setpc :colour
      setxy random 1489 random 855
      rpt 4 [ fd 1+:length rt 90 ]