Place Skills

Learn to recognise how different places are shown on the map.

Now we have found our three target places; Tenby, Brighton and Happisburgh.

  1. Zoom in to see the place in detail.
  2. Zoom out to see places around it.

Did you notice that symbol and the label for places change with scale? How do they change? Does every kind of place have a both a symbol and a label?

As you zoom out, answer these questions about each place:

  1. What is nearest large town?
  2. What county is it in?
  3. Which other counties are nearby?

The technical verb for showing places on a map is rendering. We can say,

At the 10km and 20km scales, a large town is rendered with a large circle symbol. The circle has a black border and is filled yellow.

What other types of place are shown at different scales? Can you explain how they are rendered?