Using Web Images

In this lesson you continue your own quiz. If you want images from the web, this shows you how.

When Purple Mash does not have the ideal images to use in your quiz, you’ll want to search the web for better ones. Here are tips and tricks to make it work.

Illustration - Two patagotitan at dawn

Illustration By PaleoEquii - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

Get an Image from Wikipedia

  • Find a suitable image by searching.
  • Visit the page the image is on.
  • Download the image to your device.
    • On Chromebook, they go in My Drive.
  • Upload to Purple Mash.

The full process is shown in this video of Amy’s Dinosaur Quiz. It also shows some Google popups that won’t always happen.

Another Wikipedia Example

Here’s another example, showing fewer Google popups, and how to attribute the author of the image.


  • You need the correct file type. See below.
  • Try to find images you are allowed to share; not protected by copyright ©.
  • You have a good chance on Wikipedia.
  • You have almost no chance on sports news websites! And they’re mostly .webp.
  • You don’t need a big image for 2Quiz, so chose small or medium, if you get the choice.

File Types

You need an image file. These are indciated by the file extension, the letters after the dot at the end of the file name.

------------------^this bit

Purple Mash can use files with .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, and .jfif. Check the name shown when downloading the file.

Purple Mash does not support .webp files. This is an upcoming image format, so you need to look out for it.