Computer Aided Design

Computer Aided Design (or CAD) is where we use computers to help (or aid) us with design.

We will use 2Design and Make in Purple Mash to help us design our light boxes.

Log in to Purple Mash and find your 2Do called “Light Box Design”. Start the 2Do!

Top Tips

  • Don’t move the grey circles! I’ve already made the cuboid (box) as big as it can be. If you move the circles you’ll erase the hints too soon.
  • Draw on the net view to avoid moving a grey circle by accident.
  • Transfer your design from your creative book.
  • Do erase the hints when you understand the orientation.
  • Rotate the 3D view to see if you like it.
  • Save early and save often! Then you’ll lose less work if there’s a glitch.
  • Try out improvements to your design.


  • Check your design in 3D view.
  • You might need to work upside down or sideways.
When you add your cut out guide, make sure the panel stays connected!
The text tool isn't great for the light box cutouts. It doesn't place the text accurately and you can't change fonts or text size. There's one thing it is good for, however. Put your name on the bottom!