Big Numbers

It can be fun to choose big numbers, but should we?

Have you tried something like this?

If you add enough zeros, 2Code will show the number in a different way.

A repeat block with 5e+21

5e+21 is a very big number. So big, it is actually hard to think about!

Nevertheless, you can write it: a 5 followed by 21 zeros. That’s what the e+21 means.

    ^       ^       ^         <- ^ millions
5 thousand, million, million, million
or 5 thousand billion billion
or 5 sextillion

There are estimated to be between 1e+20 and 1e+24 individual grains of sand on the Earth. So our number is something like that.

1e+24 = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
5e+21 =     5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
1e+20 =       100,000,000,000,000,000,000

How Big Can We Go?

If you go bonkers in 2Code, the biggest number you can put into a repeat block is 1e+400. Really!

A repeat block with 1e+400

How would you write this number?

Computer programs store numbers in the computer’s memory. There is a fixed amount of memory installed in a computer, so the memory available for numbers is restricted.

How Big Should We Go?

The monstrous number 1e+400 is so big it is impossible to think about. Stop!

You might just as well set your 2Code repeat block to repeat forever and feel lucky that we have a stop button. A forever loop really means; keep repeating until we interrupt you. They are actually quite useful.

Counting Without Interruptions

Just suppose an imaginary life form could count up from zero by saying the next number every second. Let’s say it started at the beginning of the Universe, which is why it is imaginary. Conditions near the time of the Big Bang were a little exteme. They were not good for any kind of life to exist, let alone do any uninterrupted counting.

How many seconds in a minute?

How many minutes in an hour?

How many hours in a day?

How many days in a year?

How many years since the Universe began?

How many seconds since the Universe began?

Could you do that?