Sending Messages


We will use a mind map to compare different ways of sending messages.

2Connect is a mind mapping tool in Purple Mash. Mind maps help us to show and record what we are thinking.

Find and open the “Messages Mind Map” in your 2Dos.

This mind map already shows two ways we send messages; by letter and by email. See how to add more, choose pictures and connect them in the video.

  1. Add and connect as many different ways of sending messages that you can think of.
  2. Don’t forget to save your work regularly.


Now we’ve thought of different ways that we send messages, let’s compare them. What are the good things (advantages) and bad things (disadvantages) of each?

There are lots of ways to show your comparisons on your mind map. Here are two ideas.

  1. Add a note and put in the good and bad things (easier).
  2. Add two extra nodes, one for good things and one for bad things, then put notes into the right place (clearer).

Need some help?

The mind map you are using has some notes attached. You can use these to help you.

Press the “Show notes” button in the toolbar. The video shows how you can copy and paste text from the notes into your map.