Choose a Blog

Your first task is to choose a blog and become a contributor.

There are lots to choose from so take your time. Here are some of the blog icons in Purple Mash > Sharing > Shared Blogs.

A contributor’s job is very important. You must:

  • Have something to say or show.
  • Post carefully and responsibly.
  • Think about your readers.

What to do

  1. Click the icon for a blog that interests you.
  2. Read the summary at the top.
  3. Decide if you might be a good contributor.
  4. Check out at least two other blogs.

Team up!

People who would like to work on the same blog can get together.

Try out a post and see how you can all read it.

Remember that children from the other classes are also invited. You might see posts they have already made.

Experiment with the text features in the blog post editor.