Guided Access

Use Guided Access to give a child access to a single app.

Guided Access in iPadOS is an easy way to let a child use the iPad without distractions or needing to know your passcode. It is especially good for apps like TT Rock Stars, Lexia and Flash Academy.

Configure Guided Access

The iPad will remember these guided access settings and you can leave the feature enabled unless the triple click feature gets annoying.

  1. Log in to your iPad in the usual way with your personal passcode.
  2. Open Settings and tap Accessibility.
  3. Scroll down to Guided Access.
  4. Configure Passcode Settings with a passcode that you will use to end the guided access session. This guided access passcode is different from the one you normally use to unlock the iPad. Agree one with your year group and TAs so that all adults can unlock.
  5. Change Display Auto-Lock to Never to preven the iPad locking or sleeping during the session. Then the child using the iPad can’t lock the screen. It will obviously affect battery consumption, but is better than being constantly pestered to unlock.

To Start a Guided Access Session

When you are ready for a child to use the iPad:

  1. Open the desired App and set it up for the child.
  2. Triple click the Side Button and see the prompts. You can mask areas of the screen that the child should not use (e.g. an exit button). Older devices use the Home button instead.
  3. There is an Options button at lower left where you can further configure the session (e.g. prevent changing volume).
  4. Tap Start to begin the session and give the iPad to the child.

Away they go! Learning without distractions.

To End the Session or Change Settings

  1. Triple click the side button and enter the guided access passcode you set previously.
  2. Choose End or alter options and Resume.